Wednesday 29 June 2011

Green Centre Summer Fair

The Green Centre Summer Fair is on Sunday 31st July 2011 from 11am to 3pm. Come sit in the garden & enjoy a complimentary cup of tea & biscuits. Cakes for sale too. Browse our 2nd hand market, bumper book sale and 10p bric-a-brac sale. Q & A's include; Reduce / Re-use / Recycle, Bee Keeping and Composting. Workshops include drumming & art. Listen to the tales of our story teller. Find out about the Childrens' allotment project and support the Colombian Gold Mine Campaign. Try your luck in our raffle - 1st Prize gets you £50 in shopping vouchers.

You can bring the following items for our reduce / re-use / recycle project; aluminium foil, batteries, books, used cooking oil, corks, currency (old British & foreign), electrical cable / flex / wire, mobile phones, used postage stamps, printer cartridges, textiles (inc sheets, clothes, household linen, towels - inc ripped or stained) and toys.

If you want to know more call the centre on 01273 687700. We look forward to meeting you.